Photo of Jarlo Amós Amao Mexico

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Born in Mexico City in the year of 1985, 11 months later his family moved to southern Baja California, earthquake victims. Brought up under strict Catholic matriarch applied by his maternal grandmother daughter and niece of a former governor and a former president of the years 30ts .. and filed with education judo paternal origin .. grows between two Gods ... cross cultures, the crisis of morality and tolerance without much...

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Born in Mexico City in the year of 1985, 11 months later his family moved to southern Baja California, earthquake victims. Brought up under strict Catholic matriarch applied by his maternal grandmother daughter and niece of a former governor and a former president of the years 30ts .. and filed with education judo paternal origin .. grows between two Gods ... cross cultures, the crisis of morality and tolerance without much glory ... common middle class living within a family is and be stopped. Enter a primary government, his parents divorce Soon afterwards to meet 7 years .. passed without major changes .. a normal teenager for a period of half a year studying oil painting .. upon reaching 11 years old when his older sister Lorja suddenly dies in an accident motosiclistico. May or may not be important .. but when he turns 12 years old, leaving his mother and two sisters and his grandmother's house is when you start having freedom that leads to confusing and difficult stage. No more passing the whole night and the days writing poetry and on his computer modems .. In the school participates in competitions in painting and drawing .. declamaciny as in poetry. All competitions are won, but his temperament and disorderly conduct in making extravagant occasion never come to recognize, especially the director .. with those who do not take good relationship. Family crisis and the difficult penalty to get the affection of his father's family, and acceptance of his maternal grandmother and the search for happiness that makes finding refuge in the wonder of sexuality that I live like a train per hour to 1000 KTRS, a loving and affectionate social disappointment does dive into eating disorders, suffer illness until shortly AFTER the 18 years. At 15 runs away from home giving up the last two months of school, AFTER a confrontation with his mother, who rummaging through their belongings read some letters where the private and type something sexual to 10 hours of walking in the desert on a hot town surrendered his parents managed to find .. to return to the city an extremely thin Jarlo are admitted under supervisin medicaciny siquitrica for just over 2 months. Which gave him several books .. among whom was a drawing .. Sign in to high school .. lasts six months .. enters high school next semester to open .. where it ends certificndose 5 years later. Always draw very well .. But amid all this storm .. is when at 17 years looking for a way to find that deal .. never refused to learn something new. always had sketchbooks eh .. I have from the jardinentonces always drew and I thought it looked good in my house never had much information eh .. art My mother always draw well. And my aunt .. but on the world of art .. WHAT IS ART .. it very different from drawing or painting beautiful. I had no idea, magic, satisfaction, I feel sick. What I think, what I am. I hate and what I love .. and do the very madness, in the most intense .. and in spite of it, to express, create admiration, amazement or appreciation .. someone. It is the wonder that gives me the art. A call gives the culture house looking for information for the piano, was a week 15 minutes at the piano and 45 mits. music theory and cost 400 pesos a month were three days Painting, 12 hours a week total. 200 pesos per month .. almost no one attributed to the economic crisis being Artistay I can say I considered it more accessible. And descubrtoda a door to an infinite magical. In this January 2006, after doing the count of two years of savings, take the first plane that takes me to the city of Mexico, which already had scheduled my interviews, I wore my pretty face tanned my black curls, my eyebrow too beaked, my name, my painting, Jewish, Catholic, atheist or whatever they wanted to go, my people Northern accent, a bank account with just under 10 000 pesos .. which only has the other 5 were 5mil to pay my workshops at the Academia de San Carlos .. never returned to df ava ava never come to a big city .. and my foldercito allestaba gunmetal with my currculo, which supported the two years I was in the house of culture .. information from my first individual exhibition and references from my teacher, Armando Manriquez. Do not know how to say .. is not this .. this family .. I picked up this world to me .. I made the ... here I am, I'm too young .. but im stubborn. Df treated me very well .. but I want more. And will continue to prepare. Since that 2003 is not stopped painting eh .. to participate in contests, get projects, knocking on doors, to expose and especially .. making love with my paintings. PERSONAL DATA. Name: Jarlo Ams. Surname: Amao Sepulveda. Date of birth: April 12, 1985. Location: La Paz, Baja California Sur. Country: Mexico. email:

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